Hahoy! A változatosság kedvéért megint hoztam nektek egy animeopeninget az AliPro-tól. =D
Ez pedig nem más, mint a NOIR című anime nyitánya, a Coppelia no Hitsugi. (Hadd tegyem hozzá, hogy nekem Coppeliáról elsőre Hoffmann ugrott be, és a Homokember című műve, majd a Hoffmann meséiből készült Offenbach-operett, az Éjféli mesék, majd ezt követően egy kommentben olvastam, hogy úgy amúgy ez a Coppelia az azonos című balett történetére reflektál. =D [A számot .Ellu-nak ajánlom!])
És mivel ennek a szövegének is van fordítása, azt is megkapjátok~
Coppelia's coffin
The flowing tears are completely withered
The loneliness that thirsts for blood
Death dances, bringing the scent
Of the soft hair of angels
In the town where
The black sun doesn't set
Everyone is silent,
Working as if magical
In the room enclosed
By metal walls
I sleep as if dead
Until morning
I can't see you
I can't see with these eyes
The god that created us
Coppelia's Coffin
People are dolls tired from dancing
Sheep on the altar
The mechanical dreams
Where are they headed?
Announcing predictions
Of the end of the world
At the doors of neighbors,
Soldiers are pounding
Thousands of fingers
Are folded
Like wings
And only their prayers ascend
I can't meet you
I can't meet here
The god that salvaged us
Coppellia's Coffin
The flowing tears are completely withered
The loneliness that thirsts for blood
Death dances, bringing the scent
Of the soft hair of angels
Even so, I want to touch
Want to capture with these hands
The unique love that protects us
Coppelia's Heartbeat
To live is to know pain
With the shoes I cast off
Again I beat a path
And set out without doubt
Coppelia's Coffin
O light that awakes from darkness
Sheep on the altar
The dream whose screw has stopped
Where is it headed?
Remélem, tetszik~