
 2010.08.29. 15:24

Van jelenleg egy pár zene, amit egyfolytában hallgatok. xD Gondoltam megmutatom őket, mert főként tim Burton filmekből vannak - mint pölö a Nightmare before Christmas, a Corpse Bride és a Sweeney Todd. XD

Hát, akkor kezdjük is: 


Nightmare before Christmas - Jack's Lament

Imádom ezt a számot... Olyan szép és hátborzongató, hogy az... Awww, kell nekem egy Skeleton Jack! (Táska, kesztyű, figura, kulcstartó, tök nyolc, de én akarok egyet! *vinnyog*)


Szintúgy NBC - Town Meet

Danny Elfman-nek (Jack) annnnnyira jó hangja van! x3 (Valahogy valamiért eszméeltlenül szólaltatja meg a csontvázakat. Itt Jack, a Corpse Bride-ban meg Bonejangles hangja... xD)


Kidnap the Sandy Claws

Ezt a szövegéért imádom. xD 


Sally's Song

A Jack's Lamenthez tudnám hasonlítani: hátborzongatóan szép... Bár, ebből inkább a feldolgozás az, ami nagyon a szívecskémhez nőtt (kb. annyira, mint Marilyn Manson - This is Halloween remakeje. xD)


Amy Lee - Sally's Song

Amy Lee-nek eszméletlenül gyönyörű hangja van...! (Szívesebben hallottam volna inkább tőle ezt a számot, mint Catherine O'Hara-tól, de hát istenem. Örülök, hogy ő dolgozta fel. x3 [Amy Lee az Evanescence énekesnője, akinek nem rémlik. xD])

A következő számnak pedig le van tiltva a beágyazása... -.-" Úgyhogy tessék: Corpse Bride - Tear to Shed

De ez is olyan szééép... *.*


Sweeney Todd - The Worst Pies in London

Haláli ez a szám... Onnantól, amikor belép Mrs. Lovett. xD És mivel néhol elég nehéz kivenni a szöveget, berakom azt is.

(spoken) A customer!

What's your rush? What's your hurry?
You gave me such a --
Fright, I thought you was a ghost!
Half a minute, can'tcher sit!
Sit you down, sit!
All I meant is that I haven't seen a customer for weeks!
Did you come here for a pie, sir?
Do forgive me if me head's a little vague --
Ugh! What is that?
But you think we had the plague!
From the way that people
Keep avoiding --
No you don't!
Heaven knows I try, sir!
But there's no one comes in even to inhale!
Right you are, sir, would you like a drop of ale?
Mind you, I can't hardly blame them!
These are probably the worst pies in London!
I know why nobody cares to take them,
I should know,
I make them,
But good? No!
The worst pies in London,
Even that's polite!
The worst pies in London,
If you doubt it, take a bite!
Is that just disgusting?
You have to concede it!
It's nothing but crusting!
Here, drink this, you'll need it!
The worst pies in London...
And no wonder with the price of meat
What it is
When you get it
Thought I'd live to see the day
Men'd think it was a treat
Findin' poor
Wot are dyin' in the street!
Mrs. Mooney has a pie shop!
Does a business but I notice something weird.
Lately all her neighbors' cats have disappeared!
Have to hand it to her --
Wot I calls
Poppin' pussies into pies!
Wouldn't do in my shop!
Just the thought of it's enough to make you sick!
And I'm tellin' you, them pussycats is quick!
No denying times is hard, sir
Even harder than the worst pies in London!
Only lard and nothing more --
Is that just revolting,
All greasy and gritty?
It looks like it's molting,
And tastes like,
Well, pity
A woman alone,
With limited wind,
And the worst pies in London!
Ah, sir, times is hard,
Times is hard!

Sweeney Todd - Pirelli's Miracle Elixir

Ladies and gentlemen!
May I have your attention, please!
Do you wake every morning in shame and despair,
to discover your pillow is covered with hair,
or ought not to be there?

Well, ladies and gentlemen,
From now on you can waken at ease!
You need never again have a worry or care,
I will show you a miracle, marvelous, rare.
Gentleman, you are about to see something
wot rose from the dead!
On the top of my head

T'was Pirelli's
Miracle Elixir,
That's what did the trick, sir,
True, sir, true.
Was it quick sir?
Did it in a tick, sir,
Just like an elixir
Ought to do!

how about a bottle mister?
only costs a penny guaranteed.

Does Pirelli's
Stimulate the growth, sir?
You can have my oath, sir,
'Tis unique.

Rub a minute
Stimulatin', i'nt?
Soon you'll have to thin it
Once a week!

Sweeney Todd
pardon me ma'm what's that awful stench?

Mrs. Lovett
are we standing near an open trench?

Mrs. Lovett (said with Sweeney)
pardon me sir what's that awful stench?

Sweeney Todd (said with Lovett)
Must be standing near an open trench

Buy Pirelli's
Miracle Elixir
anything will slick, sir, soon sprouts curls

Try Pirelli's
when they see how thick, sir
you can have your pick, sir,
of the girls!

Wanna buy a bottle misses?

Sweeney Todd
What is this?

Mrs. Lovett
What is this?

Sweeney Todd
Smells like piss

Mrs. Lovett
Smells like, ew!

Sweeney Todd(said with Lovett)
What is this? This is piss. piss with ink

Mrs. Lovett (said with Sweeney)
I wouldn't touch it if i was you, dear

Let pirelli's activate your roots, sir

Sweeney Todd
keep it off your boots, sir, eats right through

yes get pirelli's use a bottle of it
ladies seem to love it

Mrs. Lovett
Flies do too.

Toby tök cuki karakter... x3 (Nem ártana végre megnézni az egész filmet... *sigh* De majd Rosie kiírja nekem egy pendrive-ra, és megnézhetem. ^w^ Én meg adok neki cserébe Devil May Cry-t. xD)

Sweeney Todd - A little priest

Seems a downright shame...
TODD: Shame?
Seems an awful waste...
Such a nice, plump frame
Wot's 'is name has...
Nor it can't be traced...
Bus'ness needs a lift,
Debts to be erased...
Think of it as thrift,
As a gift,
If you get my drift!


Seems an awful waste...
I mean, with the price of meat
What it is,
When you get it,
If you get it...

Good, you got it!

Take, for instance, Mrs. Mooney and her pie shop!
Bus'ness never better using only pussycats and toast!
And a pussy's good for maybe six or seven at the most!
And I'm sure they can't compare as far as taste!


Mrs. Lovett, what a charming notion
Well, it does seem a waste...

Eminently practical
And yet appropriate as always!
It's an idea...

Mrs. Lovett, how I've lived
Without you all these years, I'll never know!
How delectable!
Also undetectable!
Think about it!
Lots of other gentlemen'll
Soon be comin' for a shave,
Won't they?
Think of
All them

How choice!


For what's the sound of the world out there?
What, Mr. Todd?
What, Mr. Todd?
What is that sound?
Those crunching noises pervading the air!
Yes, Mr. Todd!
Yes, Mr. Todd!
Yes, all around!
It's man devouring man, my dear!
And [LOVETT: Then] who are we to deny it in here?

TODD: (spoken) These are desperate times,
Mrs. Lovett, and desperate measures are called for!
LOVETT: Here we are, now! Hot out of the oven!
TODD: What is that?

It's priest. Have a little priest.
Is it really good?
Sir, it's too good, at least!
Then again, they don't commit sins of the flesh,
So it's pretty fresh.
Awful lot of fat.
Only where it sat.
Haven't you got poet, or something like that?
No, y'see, the trouble with poet is
'Ow do you know it's deceased?
Try the priest!

TODD: (spoken) Heavenly!
Not as hearty as bishop, perhaps,
but then again, not as bland as curate, either!

And good for business, too -- always leaves you wantin' more!
Trouble is, we only get it on Sundays!

Lawyer's rather nice.
If it's for a price.
Order something else, though, to follow,
Since no one should swallow it twice!
Anything that's lean.
Well, then, if you're British and loyal,
You might enjoy Royal Marine!
Anyway, it's clean.
Though of course, it tastes of wherever it's been!
Is that squire, on the fire?
Mercy no, sir, look closer,
You'll notice it's grocer!
Looks thicker,
More like vicar!
No, it has to be grocer --
It's green!

The history of the world, my love --
Save a lot of graves,
Do a lot of relatives favors!
Is those below serving those up above!
Ev'rybody shaves,
So there should be plenty of flavors!
How gratifying for once to know
That those above will serve those down below!

LOVETT: (spoken) Now let's see, here... We've got tinker.
TODD: Something... pinker.
LOVETT: Tailor?
TODD: Paler.
LOVETT: Butler?
TODD: Subtler.
LOVETT: Potter?
TODD: Hotter.
LOVETT: Locksmith?

Lovely bit of clerk.
Maybe for a lark.
Then again there's sweep
If you want it cheap
And you like it dark!
Try the financier,
Peak of his career!
That looks pretty rank.
Well, he drank,
It's a bank
Never really sold.
Maybe it was old.
Have you any Beadle?
Next week, so I'm told!
Beadle isn't bad till you smell it and
Notice 'ow well it's been greased...
Stick to priest!

(spoken) Now then, this might be a little bit stringy,
but then of course it's... fiddle player!
TODD: No, this isn't fiddle player -- it's piccolo player!
LOVETT: 'Ow can you tell?
TODD: It's piping hot!
LOVETT: Then blow on it first!

The history of the world, my sweet --
Oh, Mr. Todd,
Ooh, Mr. Todd,
What does it tell?
Is who gets eaten, and who gets to eat!
And, Mr. Todd,
Too, Mr. Todd,
Who gets to sell!
But fortunately, it's also clear
That [L: But] ev'rybody goes down well with beer!

LOVETT: (spoken)
Since marine doesn't appeal to you, 'ow about... rear admiral?
TODD: Too salty. I prefer general.
LOVETT: With, or without his privates? "With" is extra.

TODD: What is that?
It's fop.
Finest in the shop.
And we have some shepherd's pie peppered
With actual shepherd on top!
And I've just begun --
Here's the politician, so oily
It's served with a doily,
Have one!
Put it on a bun.
Well, you never know if it's going to run!
Try the friar,
Fried, it's drier!
No, the clergy is really
Too coarse and too mealy!
Then actor,
That's compacter!
Yes, and always arrives overdone!
I'll come again when you have JUDGE on the menu!

LOVETT: (spoken) Wait! True, we don't have judge yet,
but we've got something you might fancy even better.
TODD: What's that?
LOVETT: Executioner!

Have charity towards the world, my pet!
Yes, yes, I know, my love!
We'll take the customers that we can get!
High-born and low, my love!
We'll not discriminate great from small!
No, we'll serve anyone,
Meaning anyone,
And to anyone
At all!

Ennek is haláli a szövege. xD (És Johnny Deppnek is eszméletlen hangja van! x3) 

Amúgy, vicces, hogy Johnny Depp és Helena Bonham Carter játssza a két főszereplőt, Sweeney Todd-ot és Mrs. Lovett-et. Ők adták a hangjukat a Corpse Bride Victorjához és Emilyjéhez is. ^^ Kár, hogy abban Depp nem énekelt... *szipp* Pedig számítottam volna rá. xD

Hát... úgy angyjából ezek azok, amik mostanában elérik, hogy felkússzak értük TeCsőre. xD Mert hát a jó dolgokat hallgatni kell - és megpróbáltam énekelni a Worst Pies in London-t, és egész jól ment. xD (Szokatlanok a helyek, ahol Mrs. Lovett levegőt vesz, de ezzel olyan jó, nyugtalan hatása lesz... x3)

No, hát ennyit belőlem mára. Mindenki élvezze a zenéket. ^^ (És nézzen filmeket, amiket Tim Burton rendezett. xD) Bye-bye! ^^ Chuu~!

Címkék: zene film napló dalszöveg szinkronhang

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