Ame to Fukoumono

 2014.06.05. 23:45

Gyerekek, én nagyon rá vagyok stresszelve erre a mondattanra... Majdnem elfelejtettem a mai számot...

Nem is tudom, mit mondhatnék hozzá. Ja, de. Ma tíz éve.

Raindrops wet my heart
Breathing raggedly, I take shelter from the rain

I look up at the sky, closing my eyes a little
And remember that day once more
I trembled, unable to stop crying
As the rain beat down, dissolving my fresh scars

You held me as you cried
Surrounded by the pouring rain...
It's cold; it hurts
I swore to this rain I want to save you

I've become good at faking a smile
It's all thanks to the scabs from that day

They throb whenever I hear the rain...
You covered them with your small hands

The unceasing rain wets my heart
Wash away these tears
It's cold; it hurts
I don't want to see that broken day again...

The sound stops and I regain my heartbeat
A crack races through the clouds, letting the light peek in

Ennyi mára.


Címkék: zene dalszöveg girugämesh

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Alouette 2014.06.08. 15:47:33

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